March 29, 2025


What Gives

Gay Meat

8 PM
$10 Suggested Donation

Hi friends. Please join us Saturday, March 29 as we welcome the return of one of our fave local bands, Nectar. Music starts at 8:00 with locals Gay Meat, followed by What Gives (Chicago), with Nectar closing things out for us. Come on up/down/over and share your evening with us. I'll make ya a nice cocktail. Maybe a PBR in a tall can. Please bring a $10-er for the glowing orange bucket so we can take good care of all of the bands and Soundman Bob. Your help and generosity is always appreciated. See you there/then! -mt

April 5, 2025

Terminus Victor

Mors Arma


8 PM
$10 Suggested Donation

Hi friends. Got a nice burner for you, here. The might Terminus Victor returns to the Loose Cobra with special guests Mors Arma (Aqualamb recording artists from Cleveland) and Kilverez (St. Louis). Music starts at 8:00, and we ask that you please bring a $10-spot for the glowing orange bucket. If you want to be extra generous, just know that all the dough goes to the bands and some cash for Soundman Bob. Always appreciated! See ya Saturday, April 5, for a dose of the heavy stuff! Cheers. -mt

We post a lot of show info on Facebook. If you have a question not answered here, the answer may be on our Facebook Page.